Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Foot Fetishism

For thousands of years men and women alike have been attracted to each others feet. I believe it was Forest Gump's Mother that said "you can tell a lot about a person from their shoes", this rule of thumb I assure you still works with peoples feet. If you see a girl with clean feet and well groomed nails, then you know she probably takes good care of the rest of her body. Even Jesus had a thing for feet. Jesus had his feet washed with a woman"s tears. Actually, most people in the bible did. Do you have any idea to how many people washed each others feet in the bible?......The answer is a lot!

 Flip Flops, Leggings and Heels have all been created for one purpose; to make feet sexy. Think about it. Why else would a girl have so many different shoes and heels? It's obvious that women think about the appeal of feet. Now men on the other hand, not so much. Yea, men may get the clippers out here and there and maybe go to the nail salon a few times (if they're really gay). But men honestly don't give a shit.

A man was once asked if he had sexual relations with his girlfriend's (Cassandra Skinner) feet. This man then answered rather loudly "yes I did" and was later trying to explain how they tasted like fingers.

Although clean feet can be very attractive and nice to snuggle with, they're far less important to me than most other parts of a woman's body. Lips, Eyes, Hair and Ass all come before the feet for me.


  1. Brilliant!

    Now what about the Palestinians?

  2. This really tackles the tough issues put forth by foot fetishism. It's really trending right now so way to be up on things.

  3. Some nice dubstep really sets the mood for foot fetish roleplays.
