Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Israel not Palestine

Cowards, send a little boy to do their dirty work

Palestinians are nothing but a group of losers. Quite literally.....losers! Honestly both sides can give legitimate claim to the "promise land", but only the victors get to claim it for their own. Being the huge military historian that I am, allow me to tell you how many wars the Palestinians have won against the Israelis......1 less than 1.

Today, Palestinian "freedom fighters" use the highly populated areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip as meat shields. They purposefully set up their rockets and mortars next to schools, markets, and hospital. Even with a laser guided bomb, civilian causalities are bound to be high. Then they try to use the media as a tool against Israel, try to tell the world that they are bombing innocent civilians.

The Palestinians had many opportunities to become a nation. The 6 day war for example, the Palestinians along with half the middle east had Israel out gunned 20:1. Yet, they still got their asses kicked. If that doesn't deserve your respect for Israel, I don't know what does. Even if the Palestinians did get a nation, then what? You're just giving them the right to have a standing army then. It would only makes things worse. The arguing and fighting of land would never end.

In my opinion, Palestinians should do one of three things:
  1. Become Israeli citizens and be governed by Israel (like some Arabs already have)
  2. Become residents of a neighboring countries
  3. Fight to the death in a total war with Israel (thus killing yourselves)


  1. I'm tired of reading this bullshit. Are you even Isreali? Why can't the West just stay out of this. So are you advocating shooting rockets and heavy munitions into residential areas? If you feel so strongly about this issue move to Israel.

  2. Al'Sharif - u mad?

  3. What do you mean "u mad"? I am mad because this idiet wants Israel to bomb civilians.

  4. All that I am saying is that IDF uses too much firepower on civilian targets. It is bad that militants hide there sometimes, but Israel should pursue other options besides leveling whole blocks of apartments to kill a few fighters.
